For Your Edification Series #2 - Is My Therapy Helping Me?

Chapter 1: the "Therapy Do Loop"

You come to therapy because you have a problem. You tried to do something about the problem. That something didn’t work. Now what do you do? The answer is obvious: something different of course! The Therapy Do Loop is a formalization of this common sense process using applied systems theory. Don’t worry if you don’t know what that is, it’s not as complicated as it looks at first glance.

What I call the Therapy “Do Loop” is an idea blatantly stolen inspired by Multisystemic Therapy (MST for short). A highly effective, scientifically proven evidence based practice originally used for working with Criminal Juevenile Offenders. However, the MST Analytic Process is so logical, coherent and wide-reaching that it really should be incorporated as a part of every therapy. It doesn’t matter what method your therapist is using. The “Do Loop” is a tool to help think about the therapy that you are receiving. 

We are going to break down this powerful to in Chapter 3 and Chapter 2. Come join me in the next part, where we focus on the top half of the diagram.


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